ImmoScout24 relies on finAPI as a partner for the identification of customers for the immediate download of the SCHUFA creditworthiness check
Many landlords now require a credit check as objective proof of the solvency of potential new tenants. In Germany this is normally done via SCHUFA. Sending the proof by post usually takes 1-3 business days. In that time, your apartment may already be rented to another prospective tenant. ImmoScout24 offers its customers an online SCHUFA credit check. The potential tenant receives his or her solvency check within three minutes as a downloadable document. For this online application ImmoScout24 uses finAPI GiroIdent to clearly identify the user, so that the correct SCHUFA information is provided.
Users can identify themselves quickly and securely via their bank accounts with finAPI GiroIdent
Personal data such as name, date of birth, address, and information on creditworthiness are stored in by SCHUFA. To ensure that no one receives someone else’s credit check – after all, this is very confidential information! – a reliable verification of identity is necessary. At ImmoScout24, this identification takes place with the help of finAPI GiroIdent via the user’s bank account. When a user orders a SCHUFA credit report from Immoscout24, he or she is first redirected to a secure finAPI page for identification.
How online identification works with finAPI GiroIdent
First the individual is directed to a secure finAPI Page where he or she logs into their online banking. finAPI GiroIdent checks whether the login was successful and whether the data provided matches the account holder’s data. If these match, the identification is successful and the user receives the requested SCHUFA information for download. If the identity cannot be confirmed beyond doubt via finAPI or if a customer does not yet use online banking, he or she can alternatively identify himself or herself using the online ID function available with EU identity cards, or choose the classic dispatch by post via SCHUFA.
About ImmoScout24
ImmoScout24 is the leading online platform for residential and commercial real estate in Germany. For over 20 years ImmoScout24 has been revolutionizing the real estate market. Every month, over 20 million users search for a new home or the right commercial space on our online marketplace or in our app. 99 percent of the target group knows ImmoScout24. With its digital solutions, the online marketplace provides orientation and successfully brings together landlords, real estate agents and potential buyers and tenants. ImmoScout24 is working towards being able to handle real estate transactions fully digitally and make complex decisions easier for its users. ImmoScout24 has also been active on the Austrian residential and commercial market since 2012 and reaches around 3 million searchers every month.
Contact & answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQ)
In this case, please contact ImmoScout24 directly.
» Go to the SCHUFA credit check at ImmobilienScout24
» Contact & help at ImmoScout24
No, finAPI GiroIdent does not evaluate the account balance. With finAPI GiroIdent, only the name of the account holder is compared. The account balance or other account data is not evaluated.
finAPI GiroIdent can only access data with the explicit consent of the account holder, who must also log into his or her online banking independently.
Phone: +49 30 24301-1200 (Consumer)
More FAQ or live chat at ImmoScout24
Please note:
finAPI is not allowed to provide direct support to ImmoScout24 customers for data protection reasons.
Phone: +49 30 24301-1200 (Consumer)
FAQ, Contact & Help at ImmoScout24
Please note:
finAPI is not allowed to provide direct support to ImmoScout24 customers for data protection reasons.
About SCHUFA Holding AG
SCHUFA is Germany’s leading solution provider of credit reporting and information services for companies and consumers. A total of more than 10,000 corporate customers are connected to our services as contractual partners. Around 2.3 million private customers also use SCHUFA’s services. The company offers credit-relevant information relating to creditworthiness, identity, and fraud prevention to private and business customers such as banks and retailers. Our decision-making tools enable private and business customers to conclude contracts quickly, cost-effectively and without red tape. Information about products and services for private customers as well as an online view of one’s own data stored at SCHUFA are available at SCHUFA’s database comprises over 1 billion individual pieces of information on 68 million private individuals and 6 million companies.
Detailed product information about finAPI GiroIdent
Using the bank account, you can identify customers and business partners easily, quickly and securely with finAPI GiroIdent. Depending on your company’s particular needs, you can verify name, age, and address or perform an extensive KYC check in accordance with the European money laundering laws. Learn more about the various finAPI GiroIdent solutions here or contact us directly.
Contact us
finAPI GmbH
Adams-Lehmann-Str. 44
80797 München
Officially licensed and supervised by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
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