Enabling Open Finance. For your Business.
Finanzdaten aggregieren und analysieren, Zahlungen
auslösen oder online Identitäten überprüfen.
Schaffen Sie für sich und Ihre Kunden eine komfortable
digitale Finanzwelt. Mit der Open Banking API von finAPI.
finAPI Widgets Demos
Get an idea of our applications for yourself
Have a look at some finAPI applications on our widgets demos and check out the functions and features for yourself. Simply try out the widgets – off you go.
finAPI Widget Demos
Are you interested or do you have any questions about the applications?
Please get in touch with us. Our sales team will be happy to answer your questions in a personal meeting.
Contact us
finAPI GmbH
Adams-Lehmann-Str. 44
80797 München
Officially licensed and supervised by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).
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